Photos: Felix Noak / stW BERLIN
StW employees in various professional fields.


Jobs in studierendenWERK BERLIN. [Continue reading]

Photo: OKrasyuk /
Woman meditating sitting on the forest floor

forest Baden

Get away from your desk and into nature! [Continue reading]

Photo: Leo Fontes /
Students at a university diploma ceremony proudly holding their university diploma in the air.

Online information days: career entry

For (prospective) graduates with disabilities [Read more]

Woman at the table with a matcha latte, writing in a notebook.

Writing as self-care

Finding strength and clarity in private writing (Language: English) [Read more]

Photo: Felix Noak / stW BERLIN
Students in the lecture hall. One of them is in a wheelchair to the side and is looking interestedly at a student with a laptop.

What does a study assistant actually do?

About an unusual part-time job... [Read more]

Photo: Felix Noak / stW BERLIN
Three students wave and smile at the camera.

Welcome to the summer semester!

Universities are responsible for teaching and research. Take care of the rest… [Read more]

Photo: Felix Noak / stW BERLIN
Student looking and typing on a cell phone in a cafeteria foyer studierendenWERKs located.

New application: online appointment booking

Simplified access to essential services [Read more]

You study. We'll do the rest.

Welcome to studierendenWERK BERLIN. With our diverse range of study-related offerings, we support over 175.000 students from our partner universities every day. The universities take care of teaching and research – we take care of everything else.

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Events, events, workshops, lectures, live streams and and and...
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