01. Is BAföG worth it?

Yes. In any case.

The first improvements were introduced for the WS 2022/23.

  • The parental allowances on income increase by 20,75%.
  • Requirement rates and housing allowances have also increased.
  • For students who do not live with their parents, are under 30 and have their own health care insurance, the funding is a maximum of 934 euros (without their own insurance 812 euros).
  • If you live at home, the funding increases to a maximum of 633 euros (excluding insurance contributions to 511 euros).
  • The age limit for starting eligible training is now 45 years.
  • Gross income of up to 520 euros from a mini-job remains exempt.

The digital application process is simplified and less complicated.

All applicants who have already submitted an application that covers the WS 2022/23 or are still submitting it will automatically benefit from the changes and will receive another notification with the changes in time for the winter semester.

quick tip

Using the BAföG calculator you can get an estimate of what this means in each individual case.