International projects

PARISXBERLIN | 2016-2020

ParisXBerlin combines a one-week workshop with a final event in Paris and Berlin. The workshops and events usually take place in April in Paris and in June in Berlin (in 2020 postponed to October and December). Under the direction and support of renowned artists, a joint work will be created, which will then be presented to audiences in Paris and Berlin.

Emerging Lines | 2019-2020

Emerging Lines supports art and design students from the cities of Paris, Berlin, Wroclaw and Riga through a series of exhibitions. It's about presenting new talents and artistic positions and also promoting artistic careers in a European context. The European project Emerging Lines is a cooperation of the CROUS of ParisstudierendenWERK BERLIN,  Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw and the Latvian Art Academy in Riga. The project was initiated through the existing collaborations between Berlin and Paris as well as through art projects of the CROUS de Paris with Riga and Wroclaw. In each city there is an exhibition with artists from the twin cities. The architectural diversity of the gallery spaces supports a wide variety of artistic expressions and methods.