BAföG in 2022

BAföG-Reform and heating subsidies

Photo: Felix Noak / stW BERLIN
Picture shows BAföG- Clerk who gives a student the BAföG-Notification explained.

The year 2022, like the previous year, was dominated by the pandemic and its impact on the higher education sector. Particular attention was paid to the regulations and developments surrounding this BAföG.

Study period and funding period
In the context of the pandemic, the winter semester 2021/2022, like all previous semesters, was not included in the standard period of study. Due to the change in §126a BerlHG, many students were able to extend their study and funding periods in the last 24 months. Despite the peak in follow-up applications in 2020, we noticed a decline in 2021, which continued in 2022 as many students completed their training.

Application situation
Although the number of follow-up applications fell, we saw an increase in initial applications in 2022. Whether this increase is directly due to the amendment to the law BAföG in autumn 2022 cannot yet be conclusively assessed.

Photo: Felix Noak / stW BERLIN
Picture shows Bafög- Clerk leafing through a file

Amendment to the law BAföG 2022
The most important changes in the amendment to the law are: BAföG included:

  • increasing the BAföGrates by 5,75%.
  • Increase in parental allowances by 20,75%.
  • Raising the age limit for new students from 30 to 45 years.
  • Adjustment of the asset allowances to €15.000 (under 30 years) and €45.000 (over 30 years).
  • Expanded surcharges for rent, health and nursing care insurance as well as higher surcharges for child care.


Photo: Felix Noak / stW BERLIN
Picture shows students using a tablet to view the onlineBAföGmakes application

Digital application
The portal already introduced in 2021 "BAföG digital" enabled students to submit applications digitally. However, technical problems occurred several times in 2022, which led to interruptions in the online functionality. Incoming documents continued to be processed on paper. Unfortunately, the introduction of a complete e-file is not scheduled until 2024 Prospect provided.


Photo: Felix Noak / stW BERLIN
Bafög- Clerk explains her application to a student

Heating subsidy for BAföG-Recipients
The heating subsidy for BAföG-recipients was successfully implemented in September. The payment was processed directly via the state main treasury, from which a total of 18.009 funding cases benefited.

2022 was marked by significant changes BAföG-Law and the digitalization of the application process. Despite technical challenges, we are confident and strive to continually improve our service for students. For the coming year, we are planning to resume personal consultation hours, which will be coordinated using an appointment scheduling tool.

Graphic shows the development of the number of students in eligible degree programs. This has decreased compared to the previous year and will amount to 2022 students in 191799. The number through BAföG The number of supported students also decreased and amounted to 2922 to 24134.
The initial applications rose to a total of 2022 in 10697, and the number of follow-up applications fell to 22004.

The number of students in eligible degree programs fell slightly in 2022, and the number of students through this also fell accordingly BAföG supported students easily.
While the number of initial applications rose slightly, the number of subsequent applications in 2022 fell slightly.

The funding rate has increased slightly compared to the previous year, from 175 percent to 17,7 percent.
The average monthly funding amount increased in 2022 and is now 719 euros.

The funding rate increased slightly in 2022, as did the average monthly funding amount.

The total amount of funding paid out increased in 2022 and amounted to 185,7 million euros. In 2021 it was still 183,5 million euros.

The amount of funding paid out also increased in 2022, which can be attributed to the increase in funding rates due to the 2022 amendment to the law.