To the advice center for barrier-free studying

We support you with questions about barrier-free studies and everyday study life

Our consulting offer

How do I organize mine? impairment-related needs in your studies?
What does it mean disadvantage compensation? Are there special ones? Conditions of admission to me?
Whom can I contact? How is mine? Support finance?

These and many other questions are asked by students and prospective students with very different disabilities.

You can contact us if you have long-term health problems.
In addition to mobility, hearing or visual impairments, these also include impairments such as: B. Crohn's disease, cancer, rheumatism, HIV, ADHD, autism, mental illness, dyslexia or other invisible impairments.

You can make an appointment using our respective contact information or the contact form.

Come to us in time!

In order to create the necessary conditions right at the start of your studies, it is recommended to speak to the responsible advisor in good time studierendenWERK BERLIN and the respective representatives for the concerns of students with disabilities at the universities.

Further contacts, e.g. For example, you can find representatives for the interests of students with disabilities at universities, other advice centers or self-help groups in our Overview.

You can find more in-depth Germany-wide information on the Website of the German Student Union.

Inclusion services

The barrier-free study advisory service has also taken on the task of: Inclusion services to be awarded in accordance with the Berlin Higher Education Act.

The award to applicants and students takes into account the impairment-related needs.
The necessary applications Inclusion services such as B. study assistance, book money or aids can be found in the downloads below. 

What are the inclusion services?

Study assistants provide assistance, for example with notes, library research or the digitization of texts.
You can find more information here.

Aids include impairment-related additional equipment for laptops or PCs as well as other technical aids if these are necessary for carrying out the studies and no other social service provider is responsible for covering the costs.

Ms. Bültbrune is the contact person across universities for advice and application processing for aids:

Tel: 030 93 93 9 - 9071

Costs for books and work equipment can be subsidized at a flat rate if there is a disability-related need for them.

At the request of the students concerned, we support the organization of sign language interpreters by coordinating the studierendenWERKs BERLIN. All information about this is available >> here

As part of the inclusion services, written interpreters can be applied for when studying at a Berlin university or college. All information about this is available >> here


Downloads inclusion services 

Downloads inclusion services
pdf: Inclusion services: process and application (103.88 KB)
pdf: Data protection consent (99.98 KB)
pdf: initial application (671.29 KB)
pdf: Follow-up application (207.66 KB)
pdf: aids (399.58 KB)
pdf: Statutory declaration (81.14 KB)


The barrier-free study advisory service can be reached by telephone, email and via our contact form.
Personal consultation or video consultation via Cisco Webex is available by appointment.

Telephone consultation hour
at all locations:

Every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 13 p.m

Students at the FU, EHB:
Phone: +49 (0)30 93939-9020

Dahlem location:
Thielallee 38, 14195 Berlin

Students of the TU, UdK, Hertie School, IPU, Barenboim-Said Academy, DFFB:
Phone: +49 (0)30 93939-9020

Charlottenburg location:
Hardenbergstraße 34, 10623 Berlin

Students of HU, HSAP, IU, BCB:
Phone: +49 (0)30 93939-8441

Friedrichshain location:
Franz-Mehring-Platz 2, 10243 Berlin

Students at ASH, BHT, Charité, HTW, HfM, HfS, KHB, KHSB, HWR, Catalyst:
Tel.: +49 (0)30 93939-8442

Friedrichshain location:
Franz-Mehring-Platz 2, 10243 Berlin

Contact form:

How can we advise?

What topics would you like advice on?*:

When are you best available?:

I need a sign language interpreter:

Data protection *: