Cafeteria late-night snacks

Enjoy cafeteria food outside opening hours? That is possible.

Vending machine supply in our facilities 

Lunch in our facilities usually ends at 14:30 p.m. If you still want to enjoy warm food afterwards, you can order meals from our cafeteria snack bars. 

The order page, with our current locations, can be accessed via the following link: 

Picture shows neon sign with the word

And that is how it works ...

Image shows ordering interface. This shows which dishes and how much of them a Späti machine contains. You can order as many meals as you want using one button.

Select furnishings and food 

You can choose your Späti using the location selection. 

The portal shows which dishes are in the vending machine and how much of it has not yet been purchased. 

Choose which food and how many portions you want to buy. 

Photo shows the app registration form. You have to provide an email address and a password to log in.

Create order profile 

In order to order, you must create an account. For this we need your first and last name as well as your email address. After registration, an activation link will be sent to the address provided. If you don't receive the link, check your spam folder. 

Make sure that you always use the same browser when registering and confirming your activation link.  

As soon as you are logged in, you can proceed to the payment process with your order.

Pay attention to the deposit

Admittedly, the pick-up time can be confusing. Because that actually means the opening hours of the Späti. The Spätis are not accessible around the clock at all locations, but depend on the opening times of the university building. 

Important to know: In many Spätis we only sell reusable tableware. An extra deposit is required for this.
You can get it back if you bring the dishes past a cafeteria or bakery checkout. This is only possible during regular opening hours. 

The deposit can only be returned as credit to the MensaCard! 

Image shows payment interface with three payment options, giropay, Sofortüberweisung or VisaCard


The food must always be paid for directly when ordering.
There are various options for this: 

  • Payment via credit card 
  • Payment via giropay / paydirect (an account must be created for this) 
  • via instant transfer (the procedure varies depending on the bank) 



A refund in the event of cancellation is not possible. If the food is not picked up within the stated shelf life, the purchase will be forfeited and a refund of the amount paid is not possible. 

We accept complaints and feedback gladly welcome! 

Pick up the food via QR code 

After a successful purchase, you will receive a QR code. 

With this QR code you can pick up the food at the Späti (hold the QR up to the scanner). 

If you hold the QR code to the scanner of the on-site microwave tower, a microwave will also open and heat the food for you. The standard time for heating the food is 3 minutes at 600 watts. Basically completely sufficient. 


If the food is not warm enough for you, you can hold the code against the microwave scanner again - it will then be possible to reheat it for 30 seconds. 


You can buy reusable cutlery from the vending machine or you must bring your own cutlery.