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We have made the illustrated cafeteria and dorm dictionaries available for you to download in various languages

Photo: stW BERLIN

Photo: stW BERLIN

Photo: stW BERLIN

Photo: stW BERLIN

Photo: stW BERLIN

Photo: stW BERLIN

The German Studierendenwerk (DSW) regularly publishes information flyers, brochures and booksto make it easier for international students to settle in. These can be ordered directly from DSW or downloaded here free of charge as digital documents.

When you live in another country, language is always a barrier. It has been proven that learning is easier with visual aids, which is why the publications are often available in illustrated form. This primarily includes dictionaries for the important areas of student life in Berlin, the cafeteria and the student dormitory. Translated into different languages, you can learn new vocabulary for free. There is also a useful first aid book and a glossary with the most important information on housing and social law for international students.

Illustrated cafeteria dictionary in German, English and Chinese

Illustrated dorm dictionary in German, Polish and Russian

Illustrated dorm dictionary in German, French and Spanish

Illustrated dorm dictionary in German, French and Arabic

Illustrated dorm dictionary in German, English and Chinese (2nd Edition)

Illustrated Health Dictionary First Aid in German and English

Glossary for residence and social law in German and English