
Here you will find the contact details for press spokeswoman Jana Judisch

Press inquiries and filming permits

Do you have any questions about the services and offers? studierendenWERKs BERLIN or need an original sound?
Our press spokeswoman will be happy to assist you.

Jana Jewish
Phone: 030-93939-7207

Film recordings in or about the studierendenWERK BERLIN are basically possible. A decision is made on a case-by-case basis. Students' projects that take place as part of their studies are gladly supported wherever possible.

However, our facilities can generally be used as a location for feature films, television or other media productions CAN'T be hired.

Im studierendenWERK BERLIN, advertising and information are only permitted in designated areas.

These are:

  • Digital frames in cafeterias, foyers, waiting areas (“Campus TV”),
  • Print removable frames, light columns, etc. including displays in designated containers,
  • Promotion and information stands in foyers.

Digital information/advertising is generally preferable to the distribution of print media such as flyers and newspapers. The content and form of the advertising/information must comply with the regulations of the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG).

Not permitted are:

  • party political advertising,
  • Advertising for religions, world views,
  • discriminatory advertising,
  • Advertising for alcohol, nicotine stimulants and addictive substances,
  • Advertising for military products/armaments, including employer advertising for positions in the development, research and use of weapons.

So-called “wild posters” or “wild flyers”, i.e. hanging up posters and distributing print products in our facilities without prior written permission not permitted!

Commercial advertising:

The marketing of commercial advertising space is carried out centrally via one of the studierendenWERK BERLIN commissioned service provider. This is currently the company Campus-Direkt Deutschland GmbH. In addition to the income from commissions, the transfer of regulatory tasks (e.g. avoiding flyer displays on cafeteria tables, wild posters, unauthorized advertising) is an essential objective of the long-term contract. The allocation of advertising space is carried out in accordance with advertising principles of studierendenWERKs BERLIN.

Photo shows portrait of Jana Judisch