Sign language interpreting

As part of the inclusion services, sign language interpreters can be applied for when studying at a Berlin university or college.

At the request of the students concerned, we support the organization of sign language interpreters by coordinating the studierendenWERKs BERLIN.

How does this work?

The sign language interpreting coordination organizes the interpreters for assignments at Berlin universities and colleges. To do this, the students concerned send their timetables to the coordinators before the start of the semester. Interpreters are appointed for the required assignments, taking individual wishes into account. It is important that an application for inclusion services has previously been submitted to the Barrier-Free Study Advisory Service.

If you have any questions about interpreting assignments, our sign language interpreting coordinators also offer video consultation in German sign language.

DGS videos on sign language interpreting

Downloads sign language interpreting

Downloads sign language interpreting
pdf: Presentation of the GSD coordination (81.14 KB)
pdf: Information for students about the process of coordinating sign language interpreting assignments (272.20 KB)
pdf: Overview of sign language interpreting at Berlin universities (193.19 KB)
pdf: Overview of communication assistance at Berlin universities (107.29 KB)