Improv theater

Spontaneity, imagination, creativity, interaction with the audience, no text, and above all teamwork: this is improvisational theater. However, there are some rules for the game.

The studierendenWERK offers three improv theater courses, each lasting one semester. Two of the courses are in German, one is entirely in English. At the end of the semester, all participants show off their improvisational talent in a large improv show. Whether exciting, philosophical, fantastic, absurd or funny: the evening can develop in any conceivable direction at the request of the audience. After all, life is all improvised, right?

You can find all information about taking part in our improv courses and the current deadlines in our event Calendar.

Improv courses:

The course is primarily about the basics of improvisation: defining (who, where, what), accepting (accepting offers of play, acting out situations and characters), acting and reacting instead of thinking and analyzing. We will also deal with the following acting basics: stage presence, interaction, body awareness, body work (pantomime), reaction skills and concentration. Rehearsals are every Tuesday during the semester from 16 p.m. to 18 p.m. Registration for this will be published at the beginning of the semester.

Open Stage

This evening the stage is open to all students with improvisational talent. Whether suspenseful, philosophical, fantastic, absurd or funny: the actors transform the audience's inspiration into scenes that have never been seen before. Nobody has to go on stage, everyone is allowed. After all, life is all improvised, right?

Photo: Pasit Zhou / stW Berlin

Photo: Pasit Zhou / stW Berlin