Personal development

Further training and qualification are essential success factors in our work.

Lifelong learning is a natural part of our organization. In view of continuously changing workplace requirements, regular training and qualifications are an essential success factor in our work. 

We therefore offer our employees the opportunity to gain professional qualifications and further personal development. The training and further education quota is currently studierendenWERKs BERLIN at 58 percent.

Professional qualifications

Our employees can take part in specialist seminars and training courses. The need for further training is determined in the annual confidential employee discussions or arises as required.

We also offer cross-company attendance at industry-related conferences and the exchange of experiences with other companies.

Due to the increasingly international student population, it is important that our employees have basic knowledge of other languages. The studierendenWERK BERLIN therefore regularly offers in-house foreign language courses.


Personal development

Im studierendenWERK BERLIN You can change careers both within your department and across departments. With our internal job advertisements we encourage the employees of the studierendenWERKs BERLIN expressly about this.

In addition to coaching, our specialists, young managers and executives can take part in cross-mentoring of Berlin's municipal companies under the umbrella of KAV Berlin.

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leadership development

By taking on leadership roles, you are taking on an important and demanding challenge. Regardless of individual personal suitability, aspects of leadership can be learned. With our qualification program for managers, among other things, we prepare you for your leadership role, encourage and support you. Our modular qualification program for managers includes seminars on the topics of social, personal, methodological, entrepreneurial, strategic, technical and interdisciplinary competence.


Further developments

The studierendenWERK BERLIN also supports its employees with further training as required.
