© Künstler*innen der Ausstellung

Young Berlin Artists

Group exhibition at Art Week Berlin

Gallery in the parking garage ground floor

Ida-Marie Simonsen: Echoes of Cosmic Coccyxes delves into the timeless evolution of animal vertebral structures and reflects on the interconnectedness of all life forms. Through complex imagery, it considers the unity between earthly anatomy and the infinite universe within an endless cycle of evolution that transcends conventional notions of time.

Lucas Vinicio Neira Frank: GUAYAMALL is a painterly and photographic exploration of how certain technologies, driven by capitalist European modernity, are spreading violently throughout the world. Places perceived as “exotic” are flooded with modular furniture, escalators, shopping malls and the associated global rituals of modernity, often resulting in an absurd aesthetic mix of juxtaposed cultural systems.

Kaiwen Kang: Catch me (single screen video) - After the end of history, the spirit returns in the manner of a soul's homecoming, manifesting itself in the returned deceased or in the recurring specters eagerly anticipated to come back.


Underground garages UG 1 & UG 2

Kwanghee Ko, Hee Seo, Hyejin Ha, Jacopo Dal Bello, Jihye Kim, Sojin Kim, Yeon-ah Rho, Minju Yoo:

Through the perspective of international art students* in Berlin, the exhibition <Ge..gege..ge..he> delves into the theme of walking and wandering and explores its diverse implications in the context of the individual. The metaphor embraces the nomadic tendencies of artists, both in their personal lives and in their artistic endeavors, as they navigate between settling and moving, grappling with uncertainty and the possibility of return.



12 September 2024 to 15 September 2024


01:00 PM to 07:00 PM


  • Ausstellung
  • Kunst
  • Kunstraum


Kulturwerk Berlin


KUNSTRAUM Potsdamer Straße
Potsdamer Str. 65 - 67, Parkhaus im Hof
10785 Berlin