
The MensaCard is the payment method in all of our facilities.

Issues and Q & A

You can pay cashless with your MensaCard in all our facilities.
It makes it easier for you and for us to reduce the searching for change, shortens waiting times at the cash registers, and helps you to enjoy your meal more quickly.
The MensaCard can be topped up at our vending machines.

If you don't want to do it manually or don't have any cash, our direct debit system ("Autoload") is just right for you.

Three prices apply at the canteens and coffee bars of the studierendenWERK:

Price 1:
The lowest price category is for students of public and private Berlin universities, which cooperate with the studierendenWERK.

This price category also applies to students which fall under the responsibility of the Studentenwerk (Student Services) Potsdam (Potsdam University, Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, Film University Babelsberg as well as the Wildau and Brandenburg Universities of Applied Sciences). Unfortunately, it is not possible for the studierendenWERK BERLIN to offer subsidised prices to students from universities in other federal states of Germany.

Price 2:
Medium price for the staff members of Berlin universities, which cooperate with the studierendenWERK. This price can only be offered when an employee identity card or a confirmation of the respective university is presented.

Price 3:
This price applies to guests of Berlin universities and universities of Applied Science

Universities in the area of responsibility of the Studentenwerk Potsdam

You can get a MensaCard for a deposit of 1.55 euros at any cash register in our canteens, coffee bars, back stores and food trucks of the studierendenWERK BERLIN. Please have your student ID or a confirmation from the university that you are an employee ready.

You can also get a guest card at selected vending machines, which will be changed to your respective status (student, employee or guest) at the cash desk checkout.

Any questions about the MensaCard? Feel free to send us an e-mail at:

You can top up your MensaCard at the top-up machines located in all our facilities. Or use the autoload procedure!


The so-called "Autoload" procedure corresponds to the direct debit procedure widely used outside the university sector.
In order to be able to participate in the Autoload procedure, you must register at one of the cash desks.
A written "participation in the direct debit procedure" ("Einzugsermächtigung") will be agreed upon between you and the studierendenWERK BERLIN.
For this purpose, we need your EC card as proof of the account data, the MensaCard and a photo ID with address as legitimation in order to be able to write to you in case of unpaid direct debits.

Neither personal data nor usage profiles are stored on the MensaCard. Only the deposited bank and account data from the direct debit authorization for upgrading the MensaCard are linked to the MensaCard. The provisions of data protection according to the Berlin Data Protection Act are observed.

If the balance on your MensaCard falls below a certain amount specified by you, you will be asked during the checkout process whether the card should be upgraded. Your bank account will then be debited with the amount. It may take several days for the amount to be posted to your account. If you wish, you will receive a receipt for the transaction.

To prevent misuse, an automatic revaluation can only take place once a day.
You can cancel the direct debit authorization at any time by returning the MensaCard at one of the cash desks and having the remaining credit transferred to you.

Of course, you will then also receive a new MensaCard without Autoload, which you can continue to use at the reloaders in the dining halls and at the university.

Please keep in mind that your MensaCard can only be topped up at one of our cash registers, it is not a regular transfer to your MensaCard, which you may also use for our washing machines in one of our dormitories.

You can view your purchases and make settings for the autoload procedure in our MensaCard Portal. You will receive the access PIN for your card number in person at the Mensa checkouts. You can access the MensaCard portal via our website or our app (App Store or Google Play.)

The Autoload procedure can be terminated with an informal letter. However, the card should not be left at the machine, as there may still be outstanding bookings.

Feel free to send us an e-mail to:

You can top up your MensaCard at our vending machines. An overview of all open locations where you can top up your MensaCard can be found here.

You can also top up your MensaCard at our Mensa food trucks. Here you can find the route plan.

You can return your MensaCard at our vending machines, the so-called Multiloaders.

In facilities without reloaders, only at the cash desk.

Your credit (up to 30 euros) and the card deposit - if it is a deposit card - will be paid out to you immediately and the card will be retained.

Special feature: CampusCard
In order to pay out the credit of the MensaCard, which is integrated in your CampusCard, we need the number of the studierendenWERK, which can be found on the back of the CampusCard.

In addition, please send us your bank details, we will then transfer your remaining credit (from a remaining credit of 10 €).

Please do not put your CampusCard into our multiloaders.

You can return the CampusCard to your university in the proper manner at any time, as long as you have provided us with the number on the back.

Any questions about the MensaCard? Feel free to send us an e-mail to:

If your MensaCard does not work, you can always contact our staff in the main dining halls.

  • TU main cafeteria, Hardenbergstraße 34, 10623 Berlin, 030 93939 7535
  • Mensa administration Mensa FUII, Otto-von-Simson-Straße 26, 14195 Berlin, 030 93939 9015
  • Mensa administration Mensa HU Süd, Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin, 030 93939 7537
  • Mensa administration Mensa HU Nord, Hannoversche Straße 7, 10115 Berlin, 030 93939 7526

In case of lost MensaCards, we can block your card and pay out the remaining credit if you provide us with the card number. Therefore, it is important to write down the number of the card when you receive it and to keep it.

Have you lost your MensaCard or do you have other questions? Email us at:

For quick processing, it is best to fill out this form before you go to the checkout or send an email, thank you.

Children (up to age 6) get a free meal in many canteens.
You can get the Kids-MensaCard at our cash desks.

At least one parent must be a student and a guest of the Mensa and must eat something too.

In Berlin, the Campuscard has been introduced at six Berlin universities since 2015. It enables the conversion of paper-based student IDs to a multifunctional card. More info on the CampusCard can be found here:

The studierendenWERK BERLIN is also involved, as the card also has a payment function for our canteens and coffee bars. The studierendenWERK BERLIN has no access to the personal data of the students.
Therefore, in case of loss, it is not sufficient to transmit the matriculation number.
Important is the STW number on the back of the Campuscard, with which the MensaCard function can be blocked or your credit can be paid out.

Tip: Simply take a photo with your smartphone and send it to the studierendenWERK BERLIN in case of loss:

The Campuscard and also the Semesterticket, which is also included, belong to the administrative area of the universities.

MensaCard in video