Die Freispieler
Working together to develop a play over the duration of a winter and summer semester, turn ideas into reality, immerse ourselves completely into scenes, characters and themes, and then stand together on stage in a very special location - that's what our student theater group is all about.
In addition to the production, the acting training, i. e. body and voice work, stage presence, improvisation and character study is a very important part of the rehearsals. After the winter semester, a mid-term presentation of the material takes place, and then at the end of the summer semester several performances of the play that was written based on the material will be shown.
The group is accompanied and guided by actor and director Paul Schmidt.
The rehearsals are every Monday during the semester from 6:30 PM to 9 PM in the Freiraum in the Studentenhaus. You can register for the course at the beginning of the semester. More information on registering can be found in our event calendar.

Foto: Michael Schulte / stW Berlin
Fensterwelten - a filmlet project
The filmlet project of the Freispieler theatre group grapples with the reality of the first lockdown situation during March 2020:
4 Wände

Foto: Jakob Urban / stW Berlin
Online Filmlet Project by the theatre group „Die Freispieler“
12 people live in the same house. Since when? Since forever. They don't know one another. They don't know what longing feels like. Until one of them wakes up and can't fall back asleep again...
Die Vormacher, ein Identitätsexperiment

SplitShire on Pixabay, CC0
An Online Theatre Project
Die Vormacher – ein Identitätsexperiment. 5 completely average people decide to participate in an experiment. For four weeks, they will be somebody completely different. They will dress differently, speak differently, do things differently. They will shed all of their habits and put on the skin of another person. They will track this process on camera. At the centre is the question: do I determine who I am? Do I create my self and my reality or am I the result and plaything of the circumstances of my live? Can you change completely, from one moment to the next?