Jury - Berlin Stories
For the 2023 selection round, the jury consists of Alexander Gumz, Elisabeth Pape and Clara Fiedler
Elisabeth Pape
Elisabeth Pape is the current Berlin Stories writer-in-residence for the second half of 2022. She is part of the 15. course for scenic writing at the Universität der Künste. Her plays have been presented at the Wildwuchs Festival at the Volksbühne Berlin and the Theaterdiscounter Berlin. In addition to stage writing, she dabbles in prosa minitures, lyricism and script writing.
Alexander Gumz
born in 1974, is editor and organizer at KOOK e.V. and for the poesiefestival berlin, co-founder of the literature and music night "HAM.LIT" in Hamburg, the lyric night "Part of the movement" in Leipzig and Frankfurt/Main and the literary festival "Wortgarten" in Uckermark. His latest book of poems, "Barbarians expect", was published by kookbooks in January 2018.
Clara Fiedler
Born in 1994, Clara studies English Literatures at the Humboldt University. In addition, she is the student employee for literature at the Kulturwerk Berlin and responsible for leading both the book club and the reading event Lies Los!