05. What funding amount can I expect?


Via the <strong>integrated datalog</strong> the measuring values can be stored on the humimeter RH5 paper moisture meter and additional data can be added. You also have the possibility to use the Autolog function. This function automatically saves measuring values in adjustable time intervals.  BAföG-Calculator of Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) you get an indication of how high your individual requirements might be.


Insurance in health and nursing care insurance



living abroad

living with parents

without own insurance contributions because family insurance

under 25

(Extension for previously voluntary services)

812 Euros

511 Euro

(Increase of the BAföG-Housing requirements possible through SGB II)

with your own insurance contributions

under 30

934 Euro

633 Euro

own voluntary statutory insurance

from 30

1.018 Euro

717 Euro