image: lockpaperscissors/envy

AUSGEBUCHT: Get Together: Escape Night

The roaring 20s are in full swing, but I suppose you should know, there’s a body in the office…

This is a perfect opportunity to meet new people and have fun together while working to solve a murder mystery set at a 1920s party. If you like playing interactive group games you should sign up for this Escape Night. Don't miss out on this chance to have a great time and put your problem-solving skills to the test! Come alone or register with your student friends and have a marvellous, thrilling experience together. 

  • Please note that the game is going to be played in English. 


A binding registration for the CultureTrip is only possible for students of our partner universities.

pdf: Teilnahmebedingungen Get Together (118.07 KB)




19:00 bis 21:00 Uhr


  • Get together
  • Internationales


Kulturwerk Berlin


FREIRAUM im Studentenhaus
Hardenbergstraße 35
10623 Berlin