Werner Mahler, Fall of the Wall, Berlin, 1989, from the series „November 9, 1989“ © Werner Mahler/OSTKREUZ

CultureTrip: Dream On. Berlin, the 90s

Come and experience Berlin in the 90s - ‘Dream On’ shows you the city in transition through the impressive photos of OSTKREUZ

Join us for an exclusive visit to the exhibition Dream On - Berlin, the 90s at C/O Berlin! Experience the exciting changes in Berlin after the fall of the Berlin Wall, captured in the photography of the OSTKREUZ photographers. Also discover the exhibitions Curanderxs by Laura Huertas Millán, which explores the spiritual significance of the coca plant and its colonial history, and Awngar by Sarker Protick, which shows the effects of colonialism and the climate crisis in Bengal.

A unique opportunity to experience three impressive exhibitions that offer new perspectives on history and culture!



The Kulturwerk Berlin of studierendenWERK BERLIN regularly organises a variety of excursions & tours for students during the lecture period. These activities are a great opportunity to discover new things together with other students at low cost and to socialise in the process. You can find all excursions in our event calendar under the tag ‘Ausflug.’

A binding registration for the event is only possible for students of our partner universities.



11 January 2025


06:00 PM to 07:00 PM


  • Ausflug
  • Englisch
  • Für Internationale
  • International
  • Kultur

Participation Fee



c/o Berlin & StudierendenWERK

External Link

C/O Berlin


Veranstaltungssprache: Englisch